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Foods That Contain Good Cholesterol (HDL Cholesterol)

by Unknown , at 4:56 AM , have 0 comments
foods that contain good cholesterol - HDL cholesterol
Cholesterol divided into two types, LDL (Low Density Lipoprotein) or bad cholesterol and HDL (High Density Lipoprotein) or good cholesterol. Well, if the bad cholesterol is harmful to health, it is important to balance the good cholesterol health. Therefore, the good cholesterol is like a filter, lowering bad cholesterol and reworks.

So, if all this time you have high cholesterol or bad cholesterol in danger, you need to increase the good cholesterol containing foods. What is it? Here are 10 foods that contain good cholesterol:


Fiber foods such as oats can help decrease levels of bad cholesterol in the blood vessels.

Olive oil

Some foods that are cooked with olive oil proved to be more refreshing. Since olive oil holds cancer prevention agents  that fight bad cholesterol.


Almost the same as oat, wheat is also one source of high fiber foods. Eat whole grain will help you control the levels of good cholesterol in the blood. Wheat is found in bread products.


Linseed very interesting texture and makes food taste a little different than usual. Regarding nutrition, flax seed is rich in fiber and omega-3. Its function is to help to reduce the danger of diabetes, coronary illness, and much disease. 


Bacteria in yogurt contains enzymes that are capable of launching the digestive tract. In addition, yogurt is also rich in good cholesterol. Make the yogurt as a healthy snack each day.


In addition to the flavorful tissue, avocados have great fats (HDL). The substance  of lutein in avocados is believed to help improve the quality of eye health and chlorophyll content is a source of antioxidants.

Virgin coconut oil

Coconut oil may be the best choice as a healthy dessert menu. In spite of the fact that the utilization of palm oil proceeds to  be studied, but the benefits have been recognized as a potent against bacterial, rich in vitamin C and E and iron. Some exploration even indicates, coconut oil can help weight administration, in light of the fact that it lessens the anxiety on the endocrine system.


Salmon, sardines, herring, mackerel and tuna are the types of fish that contain omega-3 fatty acids. Fat in fish is needed to help the development, improvement of cerebrum capacity, and decrease the risk of cardiovascular disease. Omega-3 fatty acids can help reduce bad cholesterol (LDL), increase good cholesterol (HDL), reduce inflammation and reduce the risk of  coronary illness, disease and sort 2 diabetes.


Most types of nuts contain levels of bad cholesterol (LDL) and lower good cholesterol to increase. Walnuts for example, contain omega-3 fatty acids that protect you from a deadly abnormal heart rhythm and blood clotting

Dark chocolate

Lastly, a good source of cholesterol for the body is dark brown. Remember, the darker the chocolate, the better the nutrition. So do not be afraid to eat fat chocolate as long as you eat in moderation and according to the rules.
Foods That Contain Good Cholesterol (HDL Cholesterol)
Foods That Contain Good Cholesterol (HDL Cholesterol) - written by Unknown , published at 4:56 AM, categorized as Cholesterol . And have 0 comments
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