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Natural Cancer Treatment with Ants Nest

by Unknown , at 10:01 AM , have 0 comments
natural cancer treatment with ants nest
Natural Treatment For Cancer with Ants Nest. Ants Nest Papua (Myrmecodia pendans), this herb is epiphytic plants attached to large trees and can only be found in the jungle of Papua, Indonesia.

So, you do not imagine it as a regular mound inhabited by ants around our homes. So take it, if you want to try the ant nest as an herbal remedy, you do not have to eat dirt.

Unique name, taken as a hollow-cavity plant is often used as residence by swarms of ants, so there was a natural chemical reaction between compounds released by ants Dangan other compounds contained in the ant nest itself. Many believe, is what makes the unique interaction properties ants nest as herbal medicine is so great.

In relation to cancer, until now only known flavonoids, polyphenols (phenolic acids), both compounds are compounds contained in the ant nest that be beneficial in the treatment of cancer.

Based on a variety of cutting-edge research that has been published, it was revealed the mechanism of action of flavonoids in the fight against cancer. One mechanism is antiproliferasi; useful in detecting and inhibit cell growth is very rapid and abnormal. Another mechanism is the induction of apoptosis, which makes abnormal cells to commit suicide.

While elements of polyphenols, phenolic acids which can eliminate free radicals by protecting DNA that could potentially cause cancer.

How the role of tocopherol in ant nests in the crush of cancer? Back studies indicate that alpha-tocopherol at a concentration of 12 ppm have been able to reduce free radicals by 96%, while the ant nest is rich in antioxidants and tocopherols, up to about 313 ppm. Of course, to reduce free radicals in the percentage would be higher.

Likely due to the high content of tocopherols in the ant nest, ant nests is what makes it relatively quickly, compared to other herbs, in the crush of cancer, tumors, and various forms of abnormal lump.

Is there still may be other compounds from ant nests, in addition to flavonoids, phenolic acids and tocopherols contained in the ant nest that had a role in crushing various kinds of cancer? Honestly, the answer is not known with certainty, because the scientific research conducted on ant nests are very limited at this time, since this herb is still relatively “new kid”.

However, when viewed from the ability of this herb to help treat cancer, believes we can still be found other compounds, which may better explain what’s behind the greatness of ant nests. Hopefully the future, there are many institutions that do more serious research about the benefits of this herb, who knows through herbal ant nests can be found new compounds to suppress cancer, which can be used as a drug for cancer. Fingers crossed.

From a variety of empirical evidence (testimony), we believe that the ant nest is very effective as an anti-cancer herbal remedies for cancer that are still in the early stages, because of the nature of the spread of cancer is not malignant, so that the working of any anticancer compounds contained in the ant nest is still able to inhibit and destroy cancer cells existing network.
Natural Cancer Treatment with Ants Nest
Natural Cancer Treatment with Ants Nest - written by Unknown , published at 10:01 AM, categorized as Cancer , Herbal Medicine . And have 0 comments
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