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Natural Cure for Overactive Bladder

by Unknown , at 1:00 AM , have 0 comments
Natural Cure for Overactive Bladder
One of the most irritating condition is when you frequent urination, especially when this happens while you are busy or at the time of the evening. This can affect Your good afternoon or in the evening. But also note that limits normally is if you urinate at least 8-10 times a day; more than that could mean there is an underlying health problem. So, do not think that this is a minor issue, you can check with the doctor or know how to resolve a few frequent urination with the following home remedies for frequent urination.

Here is the natural cure for overactive bladder:

  • Be careful with your food menu

There are several types of foods that can cause irritation of the lining of Your bladder. This ultimately could affect the functioning of the same. Foods such as chocolate, spicy foods, caffeine and tomatoes essentially has proven to have an effect on Your bladder. So should limit intake of these foods. At the same time, make sure to consume high amounts of fiber in Your food menu because constipation can cause overactive bladder.

  • Intake of fluids

Is very important to drink 8-10 glasses of water per day. However, you also need to be careful that you shouldn't be mengkonsuminya too overrated. This will cause the effects frequent urination. Select also drinks with proper fluids. Avoid fizzy drinks, coffee, tea and alcohol.

  • Yoghurt

Consuming yoghurt fresh every day can save themselves from too frequently back and forth to the bathroom. Yogurt contains antibacterial properties that helped prevent the presence of bacteria and helps fight infection.

  • Kegel practice 

Kegel practice is a drug to help heal a recurring urination. Sit in a kneeling position and tighten Your pelvic muscles. Muscle pull on the count of three, hold for a count of three and then slowly loosen the muscles. Do it a few times and gradually increase the number of sets. This will help strengthen Your pelvic muscles and gives you better control over Your bladder.

  • Consumption of cranberry juice and basil leaves

Drinking a glass of fresh cranberry juice every day. It helps fight infection; especially when you have a urinary tract infection. In addition to the cranberry juice, it can also use other options such as mixing the juice with honey and Basil konsumi Basil drink which has been mixed with honey every day on an empty stomach. The juice is also helpful against urinary tract infections.

  • Consumption of horse grams baked goods

Horse Gram is considered to be a great remedy to treat complaints of urination, as rich in calcium, iron and molybdenum polyphenols with antioxidant capacity is high. You can bake a horse gram and mengonsumsinya with jaggery. This consumption continues for several days for best results.

  • Consumption of sesame seeds

A rich source of vitamins, minerals, fiber and antioxidants that effectively is the sesame seeds. Sesame seeds mixed with jaggery is a very effective drug for controlling excess flow of urine.

Frequent urination is a problem that is normal but can also affect a person's activity. It also can indicate an underlying health problem. Home remedies can at least help you would think disruptive due to frequent urination. If the problem persists, visit medical doctors early. Treatment and prevention of early is better than anything.

Natural Cure for Overactive Bladder
Natural Cure for Overactive Bladder - written by Unknown , published at 1:00 AM, categorized as Alternatives Treatment , Overactive Bladder . And have 0 comments
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