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Signs of Low Estrogen in Women

by Unknown , at 11:37 PM , have 0 comments
signs of low estrogen in womenBefore we discuss about the signs of low estrogen in women, we need to know in advance what it is estrogen, Estrogen is the hormone that gives the character a "female" in women. This hormone is very important for women, since he used the body to ovulate and to regulate the reproductive system. 

Most often decrease in estrogen levels is because of women going through the menopause, but does not cover the possibility of also occurs in women who are younger. If you are a women who have low estrogen levels, you may experience a variety of signs and symptoms. Symptoms may be mild or severe, depending on how low Your estrogen levels decline.

The following are the signs or symptoms of low estrogen or a general reduction in rates, special happens in women.

  • Irregular menstruation
When a woman's estrogen levels decline, ovulation can also decrease, or become erratic. This course will also affect Your menstrual cycle, causing Your menstrual periods become irregular, interrupted, delayed or stopped altogether. The lack of a menstrual period is also known as amenorrhea, which occurs when estrogen levels are low so that the lining of the uterus doesn't thicken. During perimenopause (the time period of 2 to 8 years before menopause), monthly periods may be irregular and less if estrogen levels are low.

  • Porous bones
Another common sign of low estrogen levels are pengeroposan bones, or decrease in bone density. According to mayoclinic, decreased estrogen levels can cause you to lose bone mass faster, and increase the opportunity for you to develop osteoporosis.

  • Hot Flashes
If Your estrogen levels decline or low, you may be having hot flashes. Hot flashes are symptoms of feeling extreme heat on the body (particularly the back), are accompanied by sweating, sometimes also accompanied by heart palpitations, flushing, and anxiety or panic. According to the Mayo clinic, when estrogen levels begin to decrease during menopause, around 65% to 75% of women experience hot flashes, ranging from various levels of intensity and frequency. Low Estrogen can also cause night sweats attack suddenly, commonly called "night sweats" or hot flashes. In addition, you may be accompanied by a sense of heart palpitations, or as if the heart is beating too fast or irregularly.

  • Suffer from sleep disturbances or insomnia
Low estrogen levels are also often causes sleep disorders such as insomnia. Hormonal changes in your body due to low estrogern levels can also interfere with your normal sleep cycle, and you may also be able to experience headaches, and problems with mental clarity.

  • The Mood is decreased and depression
Mood disorders and depression is a common complaint of women menopause, or other women who have low estrogen levels. Mayoclinic explains, sleep disorders and other symptoms of low estrogen are more likely to cause emotional problems, low estrogen levels rather than itself. However, women with low estrogen often feel depressed, anxious, and irritability, according to University of Michigan Health System.

  • Decreased Fertility
Because of declining estrogen levels will cause ovulation becomes irregular, or more rarely, you may experience reduced fertility is so difficult to get pregnant. If you are going through menopause, then decrease your fertility is normal and natural.

  • Dryness of the sex organs and sexual dysfunction
The reduced estrogen levels in the body can also cause changes in the female sex organs. Typically, you may experience dryness of the missV, as described UMHS. According to mayoclinic, you can also experience a loss of tissue elasticity in your sex organs, causing pain for touch. Low estrogen levels may also decrease the cravings and your passion.

  • High cholesterol
Because estrogen levels become low, then your cholesterol levels can go up. Mayoclinic explains, low Estrogen can cause an increase in LDL, or bad cholesterol, and lowered levels of HDL or good cholesterol, which will put you at high risk for developing heart disease.
Signs of Low Estrogen in Women
Signs of Low Estrogen in Women - written by Unknown , published at 11:37 PM, categorized as Symptoms . And have 0 comments
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