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Alternative Treatment for Gallstones

by Unknown , at 1:00 AM , have 0 comments
Alternative Treatment for Gallstones
Gallstones are crystalline material formed by the body that have hoarding. Gallstones can occur along the bile system, including the gall bladder and bile ducts. Usually gallstone at first did not provide complaint anything. However, if it is smaller than 8 mm (bile duct blockage is likely to occur is greater) that would cause the symptoms. Because basically the gall bladder to contract, then the stone in the gall bladder would attempt pushed out, to a State (large stone), the rock has been pushed out to be concerned in the bile duct. As its main complaint is pain (usually missing arising) which is very good in the upper right abdomen which became increasingly fabulous over time (within a few hours). Can also felt pain in my back (between both shoulder blades) or on right shoulder.

This pain attacks typically occurs after eating fatty foods and often occurs at night. Pain symptoms is similar to the pain that is felt if a person is suffering from a kidney stone. One way to reduce this pain is to drink plenty of water at the beginning of the attack. Another way is to consume magnesium followed by drinking the bitter liquid such as coffee an hour later. The bitter fluid stimulates bile flow rate. Research suggests low incidence figures for gallstones in coffee drinkers.

In addition to pain, there are some other symptoms. Such as nausea and vomiting, diarrhea, and farting. If the symptoms that are mentioned earlier are accompanied by fever (not too high), the eyes or the skin turn yellow, and the stool is like PuTTY, then we should immediately consult a doctor.

There is an alternative therapy that is called a "gallbladder flush" or "liver flush". So in this therapy, we drink 4 glasses of "apple cider" and eat 5 apples per day for 5 days, then soon after consuming the magnesium and then drinking wine or lemon juice mixed in olive oil before going to bed. In the morning, we will be removing the dirt is green and Brown something (which is believed to be the stone) without any pain.

Its medicinal uses are of alternative treatment for gallstones as follows:

For five consecutive days, take four (4) glasses of cider apples every day, or eat four or five apples, depending on your taste. Nutritious apples softens the gallstones. During this time you may eat as usual.

On the six do not have dinner. At 6 p.m., take a teaspoon of "Epsom salt" (magnesium sulfate, UK salt) with a glass of warm water. 8 pm is doing the same thing. Magnesium sulfate helps open gall bladder duct-duct. At 10 pm mix half a cup of olive oil (or sesame oil) with half a cup of fresh orange juice. Aduklah to taste before drinking. The oil lubricates the pebbles to launch a discharge of gallstones.

Alternative Treatment for Gallstones
Alternative Treatment for Gallstones - written by Unknown , published at 1:00 AM, categorized as Alternatives Treatment . And have 0 comments
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