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Alternative Treatments for Ulcerative Colitis

by Unknown , at 3:00 AM , have 0 comments
Alternative Treatments for Ulcerative Colitis
Colitis is inflammation of the colon. The disease is the result of prolonged irritation and inflammation of the membranes that separate the walls of the colon. Ulcerative colitis is a chronic disease in which the large intestine or colon is experiencing inflammation and ulceration produces a State of fever, abdominal pain and bloody diarrhea.

Diet is critical part in the treatment in the treatment of ulcerative colitis. Consume a lot of papaya and carrot juice, vegetables, rice and homemade cheese. Avoid white sugar, and alcohol.

  • Heal with banana

One or two ripe bananas in the fruit consumption per day is one of the most effective natural remedies for ulcerative colitis. They are easy to digest and slightly laxative, so as to enhance the healing process by inflammations.

  • Treat it with whey

A glass of whey per day is an effective remedy for colitis.

  • Coconut as a remedy for colitis

Drinking coconut water daily to help in the treatment of colitis. It acts as a sedative in the colonic mucosa.

  • Apple

Apples help to treat ulcerative lesions, due to the high concentration of iron and phosphorus.

  • Rice

Rice has a large content of fibrous, so it acts as a sedative and then natural remedy for colitis. Mix a handful of rice with a glass of buttermilk and bananas to cook and eat the solution once a day.

Alternative Treatments for Ulcerative Colitis
Alternative Treatments for Ulcerative Colitis - written by Unknown , published at 3:00 AM, categorized as Alternatives Treatment . And have 0 comments
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