Treatment and Therapy for Your Health

Over The Counter Treatment for Depression

by Unknown , at 9:00 PM , have 1 comment
Over The Counter Treatment for Depression
Over the counter treatment for depression, you need to know about this! Any person who suffered a depression would not be aware that her Central get depressed, especially on mild to moderate depression. This is because symptoms of depression at an earlier stage that is not too flashy and not going to be easy we know. While depression has become heavier, then that's when we noticed a new and usually we're going to see a doctor to get how to cope with depression that we are experiencing. In most cases, a doctor will prescribe an antidepressant. But when it is we who are going through depression do not want to consume the drugs, we can do a number of ways to deal with depression without medication. Some of the following exercises or therapy will help us in overcoming depression with significant results:

  • Sports

One way that this can make the depression that we naturally become more reda. The way it works is by influencing the production of brain chemicals that regulate mood, i.e., serotonin and norepinephrine. In this way could also release endorphin which resulted in feelings of "fly" for a number of athletes are runners.

  • Light therapy

How are we supposed to sit near a box that has a very bright light as the light from the outside. This therapy is generally carried out approximately 15 minutes and can be increased to 2 hours each day. Time we need depends on how severe the level of symptoms and also the intensity of light is determined by the doctor. However, this method cannot create the depression we are cured, can only be to make symptoms milder course.

  • Acupuncture Technique

So far it does not have any data that could prove that the technique could reduce the level of depression, however in a number of studies showing it may just happen. A little research to as much as 33 women who experience depression get as much as 64 percent of the overall subject is undergoing improvement of symptoms after getting the acupuncture treatment is, compared to as much as 27 percent in the group that did not acquire this technique.

  • Meditation

A study proved that meditation has an important role to prevent depression relapse. Research is concentrated to the consciousness-based cognitive therapy that combines traditional meditation with a cognitive behavioral approach.

  • Yoga

A study has been able to show that this yoga practice can reduce the level of stress, anxiety, hostility, depression, improve sleep quality, energy, and well-being. Although not too much research devoted to this depression, but yoga has indeed proven to be allowed as a simple tool and also have a low risk in order to cope with severe depression though.

Over The Counter Treatment for Depression
Over The Counter Treatment for Depression - written by Unknown , published at 9:00 PM, categorized as Alternatives Treatment , Depression . And have 1 comment
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Ryan Archer
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